You will have to make use of dynamic SQL to achieve desired results since the possible values on which the dataset should be pivoted on is unknown at the time of execution. May 31, 2020 · The How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example for database-related questions should help you write your question in a way that will make it easier for us to help you. Hot Network Questions Pivoting is a technique used to rotate (transpose) rows to columns. Second, create a temporary result by using a derived table or common table expression (CTE) Third, apply the PIVOT Jun 3, 2009 · 4. You are also pivoting on multiple columns [Observation] & [Observer] which means you will either have to make use of a CASE statement with a GROUP BY clause or combine . Dynamic pivot without aggregate function in SQL Server. Maybe coupling that with the PIVOT code near the bottom is causing the duplicate column data Jan 2, 2011 · I am trying to pivot on multiple columns. Watch the video and get the code here: https://anthonysmo Jul 17, 2013 · 1. CREATE TABLE #t ( id int, Rscd varchar(10),Accd varchar(10),position int) INSERT INTO #t Values (10,'A','B',1) INSERT INTO #t Values (10,'C','D',2) Select id,[1],[2],[11],[12] FROM (SELECT id, Rscd,Accd, position , position +10 as Aposition From #t) As query PIVOT (MAX(Rscd ) FOR Position IN Jan 1, 2014 · Make sure the date column is converted to varchar in the same format as in CTE above. group by hProp. Since you want to transform data from rows into columns, then you will want to use the PIVOT function. Nov 6, 2015 · I need to dynamically pivot the data so that I have one line per employee. Static Pivot (See SQL Fiddle with Demo) select id, value, name. So the aggregate function worked against me. drawpersite is a view that contains the fields. The column name aliasing is much more manual in MSFT SQL; The code below doesn't have aliasing. This was the query I tried: Declare @Columns nvarchar(max); Declare @DynamicPivotQuery nvarchar(max); Select @Columns=. Rolling up multiple rows into a single row and column for SQL Server data. ) SELECT. Feb 26, 2013 · To PIVOT this data using dynamic sql you can use the following code in SQL Server 2005+: Create Table: SQL server Pivot on Multiple Columns. CREATE TABLE #tblTLine (. UNION ALL. -- Build list of cols we want to unpivot (skip Dec 31, 2017 · As shown in the image. See the example below. Dec 13, 2016 · Although you can use the PIVOT operator I prefer conditional aggregation. Apr 19, 2019 · PIVOT (MAX([February]) FOR FType in (FRegular, FIrregular)) AS FPVT. The group by clause, combined with an aggregate function, then reduces the final row count. There are two ways, a static pivot where you hard-code the values of the columns or a dynamic pivot where the columns are determined at run-time. Jul 10, 2023 · You can use the PIVOT and UNPIVOT relational operators to change a table-valued expression into another table. Here are the 2 tables: Mapping Table: CREATE table #table (. You just need to pivot twice and combine the results, e. Download Final Pivot Query to Convert Rows To Columns In SQL. Mar 15, 2017 · There are a few issues that you need to solve in order to get the result you desire. The goal is to fill in the "ID" field with the name of the column from which the unpivot value originated. DROP TABLE ##dataquery. 00. usp_Dyna_Pivot that accepts five string parameters as follows: @unknownValsCol - The column that the PIVOT operator uses in the FOR clause (in my example it is the year_study column). I have tried a dynamic query with a pivot function but only got groupings under the same type of value. Mar 12, 2015 · SQL Pivot Table Dynamic - exclude unused columns. FROM A1. You can also create a dynamic pivot query, which uses a dynamic columns for your pivot table. I have managed to get the SUM for each field (site), what I now need is a column that Totals (SUMS) each of row (which can contain multiple Sites). Dynamic SQL gets around this problem by querying the column names from the intermediate results and then creating a SQL query string using those column names. It would be necessary to scan the entire table containing potential column names before the structure of the result were known. Related. With the introduction of PIVOT operator in SQL 2005, it became very easy to write queries that transform rows into I cannot figure out why this happening. The PIVOT operator takes a table-valued expression as input and rotates it by turning the unique values in one column Aug 19, 2013 · 13. SQL dynamic pivot for multiple columns. I want to eliminate any nulls that result from the query and replace them with 0. from yourtable. Oct 20, 2011 · I am working on an SQL Query using pvots with dynamic columns in SQL Server (T-sql). Conditional aggregation uses a CASE expression You can use SELECT with UNION ALL: SELECT name, 'age' as column, cast(age as varchar(10)) as value. SELECT name, 'gender' as column, gender as value. col + cast(seq as varchar(10)), The process of unpivoting converts your multiple columns into rows. – Martin Smith. In this video we will write T-SQL in SQL Server to build a dynamic query that will pivot a data set. But before you do that, I would use row_number() to get the total number of new columns you will have. It means you do not need to provide a hard coded column names to your pivot table. This operation is also known as a cross-tabulation. 2039 (Intel X86) May 3 2005 23:18:38 Apr 20, 2015 · The following PIVOT with dynamic SQL would give you the result you want, based on the input data you provided (I changed the PRDate in the last row though). In SQL Server Reporting Services this functionality can be easily achieved using Matrix template. FROM yourtable; If you are using SQL Server 2005+, then you can use the UNPIVOT function: SELECT name, column, age. The stored procedure outputs the Dynamic PIVOT SQL generated and then executes the query. To make the above Static PIVOT query to dynamic, basically we have to remove the hardcoded PIVOT column names specified in the PIVOT operators PIVOT columns IN clause. May 29, 2011 · In this blog post I want to discuss a problem I encounter frequently in SQL related forums – how to perform dynamic PIVOT involving multiple columns using pure T-SQL solution. I'm trying to unpivot a table with a large number of columns in the format of: PID UID col1 col2 col3 The dynamic SQL below will get me almost everything except the name of the column. Jun 11, 2012 · When doing the PIVOT you can do it one of two ways, with a Static Pivot that you will code the rows to transform or a Dynamic Pivot which will create the list of columns at run-time: Static Pivot (See SQL Fiddle for Demo ): Jul 25, 2022 · In this tutorial I demonstrate how to create a dynamic pivot query in SQL, performing pivot operations in SQL can be quite static when we have to list out ea Nov 30, 2022 · As you can see there're multiple people working each day, so each day has numerous entries and the basic output I do in SQL (for a given date range) would look like the EmpCalendar table above with the Employee name included from the Employees table (inner join and the sql is involved as I also don't want to show anyone that's off for that day, etc. ', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') Oct 11, 2018 · Try this, It follows the same example mentioned here: Convert Rows to columns using 'Pivot' in SQL Server. Query : WITH. May 26, 2022 · For more about dynamic pivot in the above query refer to the following link: Script to create dynamic PIVOT queries in SQL Server. You can see something similar in another response: Spread distinct values over different columns. Nov 8, 2023 · Solution. DECLARE @TableID AS INT. --create Sample temp Table. 0. Thanks in advance Sep 21, 2018 · your columns would contains the list of columns like [Chemistry], [Math] and p. Since you are going to have multiple values of columnC that will be converted to columns, then you need to look at using the row_number() windowing function to generate a Sep 27, 2017 · 2. Here is my friend's sql server version info : Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8. Finally, the Dynamic Pivot Script should look like. I create 2 tables: Table1 and Table2 and populate them with a few entries as follows: Table1: Jan 24, 2014 · SQL Server dynamic pivot with multiple columns. Dec 2, 2014 · I have the following table with some records in it. The first step is to construct a query to get a unique list of locations. PIVOT (MAX(March) FOR MType in (MrRegular, MrIrregular)) AS MrPVT. You can use the unpivot function or you can use CROSS APPLY to convert the data: select qtr, year, bu, bu_description, p2a_line, lob, value. Format numbers in SQL Server. Here is what I have tried so far. The PIVOT relational operator turns the unique row values in one column into multiple pivot columns in the output. I have the below three tables (One-Many relations) The 1st table ( Table) holds tables name. I have used that technique for pivoting variable date ranges however where it's always 12 months, but starts at different months - it's a basic sliding transform. Jul 24, 2023 · As far as I know, you cannot use the PIVOT syntax to generate multiple columns per pivot value in SQL server (at least not without creating multiple subqueries, each with its own PIVOT, that are then joined together). BEGIN. Columns "1", "2" and so on represent a month, which can be hardcoded. Example: Table: ffortest create table ffortest ( col1 int, col2 int ) Insertion of records: insert into ffortest values(1,2); insert into May 4, 2011 · WITH Item1Data as ( --pivot query for item 1 ), Item2Data as ( --pivot query for item 2 ) SELECT columns FROM Item1DATA i1 LEFT JOIN Item2Data i2 ON i1. SQL Server Pivot and Sort. This technique uses one or more case expressions to split your rows into columns. And it'll blow the socks off of a pivot; performance wise. Here is one way of getting the result set you want without doing the multiple joins. Dynamic Pivot for multiple columns Forum – Learn more on SQLServerCentral. FROM yourtable. if object_id('tempdb. In SQL Server, you can use the PIVOT operator to achieve this. You can use either Aug 30, 2019 · If you don't have a high enough version of SQL Server to utilize iif, just use case statements. The only way in MySQL to do this dynamically is with Prepared statements. 2. FROM SalesData. Here's an example that does what you want with multiple PIVOT statements. Here is a doc for your reference: T-SQL: Dynamic Pivot on Multiple Columns. – Gordon Linoff. Value. I can give you more details but not right now. Jul 23, 2014 · 1. Once this is done, then you can pivot the data into your result. Dec 6, 2017 · pivot (max(iWeek) for rank# in ([1],[2],[3], [4])) pv. Take a look at the following (done with your data). If you search for "dynamic pivot" you should find some example code. In a dynamic pivot query, column name list is fetched from table. In your OP, you stated that you will have an larger number of rows to turn into columns. The code to "UNPIVOT" the data using CROSS APPLY looks like: col = c. Feb 16, 2017 · The steps we’ll take to generate the dynamic pivot table are: Get a list of unique product lines. VendorId int, Category varchar(10), FirstSaleDate date, StoreId int. * may give me 1 column or 10 columns depending on @ListofYears). Construct a Pivot Table as SQL Statement. value('. The aggregate columns are the last 5 NRS Years. DROP TABLE #temp2. May 29, 2014 · Microsoft SQL is not nearly as simple and flexible when needing to pivot multiple columns. The UNPIVOT will turn the PurchasingValue and SellingValue columns into rows. 1. PIVOT, the relational operator is a T-Sql proprietary insert into test_table values ('3/1/2012','ABC',1100. Value as Answer FROM [form]. This is the SQL code i'm using right now: SELECT sf. For example: FROM dbo. GROUP BY WeekNo. CROSS APPLY ( SELECT PostID = MAX(PostID) FROM dbo. . 2 SQL Pivot on two dynamic columns. Apr 8, 2022 · I am amending a SQL query that populates a UI table. when col = 'PurchasingValue' then 'P'. The third parameter, @UnPivotColumnName, takes the perferred name of the single UNPIVOT column which will hold consolidated values from UNPIVOTed columns (Python and SQL in our simple example). Apr 2, 2020 · In order to avoid this, we can create something dynamic in which we can configure the columns on which we would need the PIVOT table. /* Getting aggregated data Sep 15, 2018 · TSQL - dynamic Pivot on multiple columns. -- Get a list of the "Field Value" (Rows) BEGIN try. The 3rd table (Field Value) is related to ( Fields) to hold fields value for each field. 2020-08-31 4101 Purchaces 33750 4725 First 8309. Dec 30, 2014 · SQL Server doesn't allow for pivoting on multiple columns, I'd actually suggest looking at unpivoting the Planed and Actual column first, then pivot the data into the final result that you want. Sep 26, 2012 · 47. SQL Pivot Table from dynamic columns. 12,961 questions That solution is non-dynamic only in names of columns, not in number of columns, which still would need a dynamic technique at the time of the pivot operation. ). avg( case when day_of_week = 2 then item_count else null end ) Mondays, avg( case when day_of_week = 3 then item_count else null end ) Tuesdays, avg( case when day Oct 12, 2018 · SQL PIVOT and SQL UNPIVOT relational operators transpose a table-valued two-dimensional data into another form of data. Load 7 The 4001 recipe would need new and separate columns to properly label the data by version, but since the version numbers differ for each and every recipe, that path leads us to a very sparse result set which would be downright annoying to use, or we must alias the columns, losing the version number data. I am using SQL server 2008. Typically a COALESCE function on the final SELECT would give me what I need, but the columns in the pivot (@ListOfYears) might change (SELECT PV. select * from mytransactions. Dynamic SQL: Instead of @pivotCols being a string, you're going to have to make it into a table: Nov 1, 2018 · UPDATED 11/10/2018. Mar 28, 2013 · See SQL Fiddle with Demo. It takes a little more setup and uses two pivot operations instead of one, but avoids the multiple joins. 4 release extends this powerful functionality of pivoting data to our SQL users as well. GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT. FROM. select 'amc2', amc2 union all. I am able to use dynamic pivot and display the multiple bosses part but I am unsure of how to display their specialty next to their name. got the columns are data-generated:--Get string of aggregate columns for pivot. But before trying a dynamic sql version of a query I'd always recommend that you try get your final result by writing a hard-coded or static version first. Sep 8, 2016 · Google: "<database name> dynamic pivot". WHERE Section = (''1AB'') Jul 9, 2017 · Use the UNPIVOT operator to fetch values from the rating, nofuser, and avgr columns and to convert them into one column with multiple rows using the below query: 15. Script to retrieve SQL Server database backup history and no The least complicated, most straight-forward way of doing this is by simply wrapping your main query with the pivot in a common table expression, then grouping/aggregating. * actually contains all column from the PIVOT result. CONCAT(. In this tip we look at how you can dynamically create the pivot command to handle these unknown values. sql server sort dynamic pivot on large set of data. Mar 7, 2022 · DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Examples for SQL Server . Get a list of unique locations. My table is as below. FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE. Jun 2, 2023 · SUM(IF(Product = 'Product C', Sales, 0)) AS 'Product C'. You can perform this type of query with a PIVOT. I have tagged c# as I need this in a DataGridView. It turns the unique values from one column in one table or table expression into multiple columns in another table. Execute the statement. [UserName], fc. [DtCreated], sf. I would like to pivot this data so that i have as columns the individual types of observations and the date/time that they were made. Oct 26, 2021 · In this example I have 2 columns max, but it could be N columns. Step 1. Resolving could not open a connection to SQL Server errors. You have to do mutiple PIVOT calls. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb. So those pivot columns are duplicates So those pivot columns are duplicates Dec 1, 2015 · i'm trying to pivot dynamic pivot on multiple columns in SQL Server 2012. You will need to unpivot both the ChildControlValue and ChildControlComments using code similar to: select. SET @TableID=1 -- Set Table ID. Title as Question, sv. StoreID Here is a dynamic query I did. sql Dec 13, 2018 · I was able to pivot the first column but having a problem pivoting the second one. PIVOT rotates a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple columns in the output. cross apply. If that is the case, then you can use dynamic SQL: DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX) select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(TEST_NAME) from yourtable. Data looks like below. You follow these steps to make a query a pivot table: First, select a base dataset for pivoting. SQL Server dynamic pivot with multiple columns. ORDER BY Link_ID. As an alternative, you can use conditional aggregation to accomplish your goals. from test. create Table #temp2. I would be happy if you could show me a dynamic query or point me to a similar Jan 11, 2013 · As Martin Smith said, you need to pivot the data, whether with an explicit PIVOT as referenced or something like this : SELECT SiteCode , SUM(Case When Month='Jan' Then Amount Else 0 End) MonthJan , SUM(Case When Month='Apr' Then Amount Else 0 End) MonthApr FROM Result GROUP BY SiteCode; Apr 1, 2014 · Since you are using SQL Server 2012, you can use CROSS APPLY with VALUES to unpivot these multiple columns into multiple rows. Note that you can do this for single column pivoting as well. --Drop Sample temp Table. The 2 tables doesn't have a common ID column but just a common column_name. ). FROM #test. 0 Pivot For Dynamic Column Value. I tried to follow this expample: SQL Server : dynamic pivot over 5 columns but not getting results I want. -- populate some test data. 1 SQL Pivot Table from dynamic columns. Jun 16, 2020 · SQL server allows us to transform a row- level data into a columnar data using SQL Pivot. Jan 1, 2021 · 0. SQL Server 2005 introduced the PIVOT operator as a syntax extension for table expression in the FROM clause. (If its possible by extending my current tsql) Here is my working pivot. g. One of the more common uses for CROSS APPLY is to simulate a correlated subquery, for example, to get the latest answer from an author's posts. I need to display the employee, all the bosses they have and just their line 1 specialty. I cannot hardcode the columns "Product", "Year" or "Measure" as they can grow dynamically. Let’s go ahead and understand how to make a dynamic stored procedure that will return a PIVOT table in SQL. Then the column names are built in @cols for the dynamic Sep 25, 2020 · I'm having trouble with dynamic pivot. Here is what I have: PS: "Question" column has dynamically created values and data should be grouped by "DtCreated" and "Username" fields. Since you now have multiple columns in your ControlChilds table that you need to PIVOT, you will need to use the similar method of unpivoting them first that you applied with the Controls table. A heavily underused feature in SQL Server is CROSS APPLY . Next Steps. [SubmissionForm] sf inner join [form]. SQL Server Dynamic Pivot Table - Column Name Duplicate The question is: How can I dynamically generate the column list for pivoting, and prepend "dp_" to each column name from the datasourceProperty table, so I can include the id; name; and description columns without getting a "duplicate column name" error? Oct 8, 2014 · Dynamic PIVOT Query. The query is demonstrated below: QUOTENAME(City) FROM Customer. I suspect it has to do with the fact that I select the Name/Value pairs in my common table expression which selects the Geometry Name/Value columns on line 13 of the code sample below: g. Here, I have done the pivot query 3 times - once ) AS raw PIVOT ( AGGREGATE(aColumn) FOR x IN (' + STUFF(@columns, 1, 1, '') + ') ) AS p;'; PRINT @sql; EXEC sys. SoteID = i2. Best regards, Cosmog Hong SQL Pivot is a powerful tool used in SQL Server to rotate table-valued expressions and convert rows into columns and perform aggregations on specific columns. : -- Setup example data drop table if exists #Example; create table #Example (. SQL Convert Date to YYYYMMDD. Jun 10, 2019 · In this section we can check one example of SQL Pivot Multiple columns in details. Sep 13, 2013 · 1. SELECT date_1, StartHour,Cost, Link_ID. Dec 21, 2020 · When doing a pivot in standard SQL, you have to pre-define the output column names. 6 as a new DataFrame feature that allows users to rotate a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column into individual columns. -- We will select the data that has to be shown for pivoting. Pivot was first introduced in Apache Spark 1. GROUP BY Date; This query utilizes the SUM and IF functions to emulate the same pivot effect as the previous query. To summarize the fundamentals of SQL pivot: Identify the row and column identifiers, as well as the aggregate values. The code will be: select itemid, case. AccDate Account AccountDescription Amount VatValue CalcLevel CalcObject. Create a column list. projectId, Apr 24, 2017 · The 2 tables below are just sample data as I have over 100 columns for the data table, hence the dynamic part. If you want to learn more please refer to the following links: Use SQL Server's UNPIVOT operator to dynamically normalize output; How To Use the Unpivot Data Flow Transform in SQL Server Integration Sep 20, 2013 · I have done a pivot on a table, generating dynamic columns : DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX); select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + May 13, 2019 · Dynamic Pivot multiple columns in SQL Server. The first statement builds an intermediate table #bt with the column names you want and the associated value. Dec 4, 2019 · My solution involves creating a T-SQL stored procedure in the SQL Server user's application database, called dbo. SQL UNPIVOT performs the opposite operation of SQL PIVOT by transforming Sep 24, 2020 · SQL Server A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions. That is a very different question from the one you asked. SQL PIVOT transposes a table-valued expression from a unique set of values from one column into multiple columns in the output and performs aggregations. Name(varchar(50)),Site(varchar(50)), Draw(decimal(19 My suggestion when you are working with dynamic SQL would be to write a hard-coded version of the query first to get the logic correct, then convert it to dynamic SQL. sp_executesql @sql; Note that this is adapted from an article of mine on the same site as the link from your question: Script to create dynamic PIVOT queries in SQL Server Oct 16, 2009 · Dynamic pivot isn't built into the language for good reason. Another way that you can do it is to unpivot your data first, then pivot it in a single operation. Dec 30, 2020 · SQL Server dynamic pivot with multiple columns. And also there is a name for a given code , but the value under OtherCol are random. pivot (sum (totalcount) for country in ([Australia], [Austria])) as pvt. END. Also, see this blog: Dynamic PIVOT on multiple columns. It turns the unique values in one column into multiple columns in the output and performs aggregations on any remaining column values. SQL Server PIVOT and UNPIVOT Examples. The columns are unknown so I know I need a dynamic query. SQL Pivot Table Multiple Columns. In below screenshot you see my source and desired output table. As a result, the table structure of the dynamic pivot statement would be unknown before run time. Posts. – May 5, 2015 · I have a list of data that includes values and the time those values were recorded. Rather than submitting my lengthy query, I’m illustrating my problem with a simplified model. sql My suggestion whenever you are working with PIVOT is to alway write the query first with the values hard-coded, then you can easily convert the query to a dynamic solution. its a pain to pivot in SQL2000 but here is some sample code that I created to pivot multiple columns using cursors. To get the result, you will have to look at unpivoting the name, icon and totalcount columns first, then you can apply the pivot to create your new columns. You have to concatenate the original grouping field to make it distinct. customer UnitNo invoiceNo invDate heads Amt periodFrmDT periodToDT abc GF-3 C0000001 2015-11-01 Charge1 100 2015-11-01 2015-11-30 abc GF-3 C0000001 2015-11-01 Charge2 500 2015-11-10 2015-12-10 abc GF-3 C0000001 2015-11-01 charge3 600 2015-10-01 2015-10-30 My suggestion would be to apply both the UNPIVOT and the PIVOT functions to get the result. SQL Server : dynamic pivot over many columns. The column names are always static in a PIVOT statement (though of course you can generate the query dynamically based off the values that exist in your data). QUOTENAME(DATENAME(Year,DateOpened)) from Incidents AS t. PIVOT does not auto create columns based upon your existing data. I worked with pivots before, but this one adds an extra difficulty with the Tag columns in there. The Apache Spark 2. Here is a good article about them: Dynamic pivot tables (transform rows to columns) Your code would look like this: SET @sql = NULL; SELECT. SQL PIVOT is a powerful operation that allows you to transform rows of data into columns, providing a more structured and readable format for reporting and analysis. The 2nd table ( Fields) is related to ( Table) to hold the fields name for each table. select 'amc1', amc1 union all. If you have a limited number or known values, then you can hard-code the query: select plan_id, [2012, November], [2012, December], [2013, January], [2013, February] from. 00) Query to generate the exact results which also replaces NULL with zeros: DECLARE @DynamicPivotQuery AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @PivotColumnNames AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @PivotSelectColumnNames AS NVARCHAR(MAX) --Get distinct values of the PIVOT Column. Oct 16, 2012 · This was a nice feature that was added to SQL Server, but you don't always know all of the values you need to pivot on. The trick to doing multiple pivots over a row_number is to modify that row number sequence to store both the sequence and the field number. In fact, it's generally more performant, even if less elegant in terms of syntax. 3. Name[Geometry], g. answered Jul 13, 2010 at 21:06. The syntax is same but the example is bit complex, Scenario : We need to check out the maximum as well as minimum salary for the employees department wise. Oct 11, 2015 · If you don't need to write the list of years and do it dynamically for any year, you have to use dynamic SQL to run the query dynamically, like this: DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX); SELECT @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' +. You can use the SQL Pivot statement to transpose multiple columns. Aug 18, 2012 · 10. #tmp') is not null drop table #tmp. ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Column_Name varchar (255) NOT NULL, Page_Num varchar(10) NOT NULL, Aug 14, 2014 · DECLARE @DynamicPivotQuery AS NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @ColumnName AS NVARCHAR(MAX) --Get distinct values of the PIVOT Column SELECT @ColumnName= ISNULL(@ColumnName + ',','') + QUOTENAME(ACT_DESC) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ACT_DESC FROM tpc) AS desc --Prepare the PIVOT query using the dynamic SET @DynamicPivotQuery = N'SELECT MDCODE, ' + @ColumnName + ' FROM tpc PIVOT(MAX(ACTUAL_DATE) FOR tpcIN MAX(CASE WHEN DayOfWeek = 6 THEN ToTime ELSE NULL END) AS End6, MAX(CASE WHEN DayOfWeek = 7 THEN FromTime ELSE NULL END) AS Start7, MAX(CASE WHEN DayOfWeek = 7 THEN ToTime ELSE NULL END) AS End7. Step 3 - pivot the table (obtained at step 2) by date column in a dynamic query. #temp2') IS NOT NULL. This allows you to get the desired result without bugs and then convert it to dynamic sql as your final Jan 1, 2021 · The previous post so the creator gets credit is: SQL Server dynamic pivot with multiple columns. Authors AS a. WITH PivotCTE AS. I have the following SQL code that creates a very useful pivot table: FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Link_ID FROM A1) PV. (. And PIVOT runs aggregations where they're required on any remaining column values that are Jan 30, 2024 · If you want to pivot multiple columns, then it is suggested that you use case when along with aggregate function instead of PIVOT. Here's SQL to create some sample data: Sep 28, 2012 · The problem like I said it that the types are dynamic and the customers are dynamic so I need the columns to be dynamic depending on the types in the system. DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @TaskName nvarchar(100) SET NOCOUNT ON. Pivot For Dynamic Column Value. oa zx ik ib ac vo fw ze xn mz